“Worship is the thing the most [church] people do the most often together” and is the first of three “legs” on which a church, like a tripod, stands.
Faith, Reason, and a touch of Humor describe what we believe come together to make worship meaningful; we believe that faith which cannot withstand the intellectual challenge to it may not be an adequate faith in times of challenge, so we seek to engage heart and mind in worship and, especially, in our Bible study. We worship from and treasure the Bible; it is the unique way we grow our understanding of God and what God wants from us, but we do not worship the Bible.
We believe with Luther that, “Next to the word of God, music . . .” Though we are not the world’s greatest singers!
We offer two different Bible studies.
The pastor’s Bible Study, the basic theme of which is “The Bible Is NOT for Dummies,” a study that seeks to read the Bible for all it has to offer us by reading with our minds fully engaged and aware of the historical settings in which the Bible was written as well as the language skills — and sometimes the sense of humor — of the Biblical writers is offered most of the year on Wednesday’s at 10:30 am on Zoom or in-person at the Florence building. The Zoom link is
and the Passcode is 950149
There is a monthly — “Women’s Bible Study” on the 2nd Thursday of the month, a sack-lunch and Bible Study — at 10:00 am in Florence