Movies & Popcorn will begin on a monthly schedule, on the 4th Sunday of the month at noon in the Fellowship Hall.

Next Movie: To Be Decided

Men’s Breakfast 1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays, 9:00 am, “Old Pueblo”

Women’s Coffee Hour 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 9:00 am, “Coffee Station”

Personal Care Products Ministry, 2nd Wednesday, 9:00 am

Bible Study on “Epistles of Paul”
Tuesdays at 10:15 am, Choir room and Zoom. (Click here for the link)
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am MST live streamed on YouTube at. Desert Hope Presbyterian Church

About Us
We are centered in Pinal County and easily accessible
“The Mission of Desert Hope Presbyterian Church is to share Jesus Christ through word and action with all those whose lives we can touch.”
“Worship is the thing the most [church] people do the most often together” and is the first of three “legs” on which a church, like a tripod, stands.
Faith, Reason, and a touch of Humor describe what we believe come together to make worship meaningful; we believe that faith which cannot withstand the intellectual challenge to it may not be an adequate faith in times of challenge, so we seek to engage heart and mind in worship and, especially, in our Bible study. We worship from and treasure the Bible; it is the unique way we grow our understanding of God and what God wants from us, but we do not worship the Bible.
We believe with Luther that, “Next to the word of God, music . . .” Though we are not the world’s greatest singers!
In addition to in-person worship (10:00 am 225 E. Butte Ave., Florence, our worship is live-streamed on YouTube. The link is:
Desert Hope Presbyterian Church
Recent past services can also be viewed there.
Our weekly Bible Study is discussed, below.
We believe that to be in the world is another of the three legs on which the Church and a church stands, which for us means “mission and evangelism.” Our primary “evangelism” activity has been the “Live Nativity” represented in the photo on our home page, while our mission activities include our monthly Personal Care Products Ministry, dispensing personal hygiene, and laundry products to people in need, our Thanksgiving and Christmas food box programs have been expanded, thanks in part to a grant from Albertson-Safeway, and are now undertaken in combination with other Florence area churches to include Easter, and a Memorial Day Food distribution, as well as our community-wide 911 Pancake Breakfast, honoring First Responders and Military Personnel.
A third leg on which a church stands is sharing support and fellowship among one another. The latter is done weekly through after-church coffee and snacks and 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesdays “Men’s Breakfast”, and the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month Women’s coffee hour. We care for one another and support one another in part through pastoral care, calls, and visits, and in part through mutual support. Our monthly 4th Sunday movie of the month beginning at noon. Movie, discussion, and popcorn are open to all.
Bible Study
The pastor’s weekly Bible study raises questions and attempts to deal in greater depth with the Bible than can be done on a Sunday morning or through personal reading; the dialogue among participants helps us all — including the pastor — understand better this marvelous gift that helps us to encounter God.”
You’re welcome to join our Bible Study every Tuesday at 10:15 am.
Attendance through ZOOM is possible; please email the church [email protected] if you would like so to attend.
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
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Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
We cannot exist without the financial support of our church family and friends; please consider making an online contribution now, or perhaps more than none contribution: one to the general support of the church and its mission, another specifically to support missions of the church such as Personal Care Products Ministry, Navajo Nation through Kayenta Presbyterian Church, Women’s Hope Center in Coolidge, Food distribution in cooperation with other local churches and organizations.
Any checks should be made payable to “Desert Hope Presbyterian Church”. Please mention the mission you’d like to support in the comment line of the check.


“Whether God answers our prayers as we wish or not, God listens to and hears our prayers. The prayers we as members of the pastor of Desert Hope Presbyterian have no greater effect than those of anyone else, yet they do indeed matter in ways we cannot always fathom. If you have a prayer request or a name of a cause, please call us at 520-868-5634 and it shall be raised in worship or by our prayer chain.”
Where To Find Us
What We Believe
We believe that every human being is a child of God, and that as an old tee-shirt said, “God don’t make no junk.” We believe that we are all sinners, even if of varying degrees, and that Jesus died so that all of us might have those sins forgiven. We welcome everyone, irrespective of race or origin, gender or however one wishes to describe her- or his-self. We believe that God loves the unbaptized child of a poor Hindu in the slums of Calcutta as much as God loves a baptized Presbyterian in Arizona. . . And want the whole world to receive that message!